P.B.L. Srl
Via Alessandro Volta, 8
43046 Rubbiano di Solignano (Parma)
+39 0525 010104
Performing Beyond Limits
P.B.L. Srl was founded in 2018 as an Italian innovative startup thanks to the desire for innovation of its founders who possess more than 30 years of experience in the field of automation of pharmaceutical production lines. PBL specializes in the design and realization of customized filling lines, sterilizers, radiopharmaceuticals hot cells and isolators, as well as machines that implement quality control inspection procedures, where PBL positions in the market as the world leader thanks to the introduction of AI Deep Learning technology.
As the World of pharmaceutical industry is getting subject to paradigmatic changes due to the development of groundbreaking technologies in Cell & Gene Therapy, in 2023 PBL decided to bring its know-how and experience in automation to this field. The company is one of the founding members of the National Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology, founded by the Italian Government to support research on the development and manufacturing of CAGTs. PBL recently developed an enclosed, fully automated cell factory platform to enable decentralized manufacturing of all types of CAGTs in a Class D (ISO 8) or c.n.c. surrounding area.